After all, what is the hole in the seals on soda cans for?

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It is noticed that, as the generations go by, people have become more and more curious. Many times, they even use everyday objects without actually knowing their function. Soda cans are great examples of this. Have you ever wondered the role of hole in the can seal? See below for more details on this subject.

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After all, have you ever questioned the real functionality of the existing hole in soda cans? We can not fail to say that one of the features is to make opening the can easier, however, are there other more specific ones?

The answer is yes! That hole in the cans of soft drinks, beers and juices has great uses. To better explain this subject, it is necessary to understand, in more detail, the history of the beginning of everything.

The beginning of everything

For those curious about their existence, the first aluminum cans appeared in 1959. Its producer was the American brewery Coors. Already in the year 1963, it was that, in fact, the first can of soda appeared. The company Reynold Metals Company was responsible for this milestone in history.

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For information, the first Brazilian drink added to the new invention was Guaraná Skol.

When it was in 1975, what became known as the “stay-on-tab” system appeared, in which there was the famous hole in the seal. Quickly, it was absorbed by many beverage producers. It was developed to take the place of the pull-tab.

simplicity works

Let's get to what really matters! After all, what is the hole in the seals for? Well, its greatest use is to place the straw when you are drinking. In this way, the possibility of the straw falling inside the can becomes smaller.

Even though this function is simple, it is very useful. Although this system is still used today, most people use it incorrectly.
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