Find out which are the 5 best drinks to consume every day

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Hot, cold, sweet or bitter, we all love something tasty to drink, don't we? Because of this, almost everyone has their own drink favourite, which is often indispensable in everyday life. After all, they can help in one of the most sensitive points for our well-being: the hydration. Therefore, it is very important to choose the best drinks to consume every day.

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See the best drinks

First of all, it is important to understand that drinks are not so easy to choose, as many of them can be sold as “healthy”, but have side effects for your health. In the case of coffee, for example, it can help keep your brain more active and your body more energized, but it can also be addictive and even harm your teeth.

  • Vitamins

Vitamins are great for breakfast and help replenish a lot of the nutrients we need for the day early in the morning, all in one cup. Including, they are great for replacing some solid meals in the day to day rush. Plus, what really makes this drink stand out is the fact that it's fully customizable, so it can adjust to everyone's taste.

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If you need fiber or protein, just add foods that are sources of these nutrients to the blender. If it's about carbohydrates, it's possible to make a delicious smoothie cup just from these sources.

  • Water

It's impossible to talk about essential drinks without mentioning water. After all, it is not for nothing that we should consume at least 2 liters a day. Through it, it is possible to maintain a fully functional body, without symptoms of dehydration and with the brain working at full steam. Including, many don't know, but it is also essential for digestion and reducing constipation symptoms.

  • Green Tea

Green tea is packed with antioxidants that have a range of health benefits, preventing disease, reducing inflammation and even potentially preventing cancer.

  • orange juice

“One benefit you get from orange juice is the water content that helps rehydrate you from an overnight fast or if you haven't had enough water throughout the day," says Blanca Garcia, a registered dietitian at Health Channel.

  • kombucha

Kombucha, which is a fermented tea rich in antioxidants, is a gut-healthy drink that can be consumed any time of the day.

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