If avocado is caloric, wouldn't it be better to eat a slice of cake?

There are many diets that work on a count basis. calories. These have a lot of results and are usually more effective than restrictive diets. However, calorie counting is not the only thing to pay attention to. The goodness of food what you are ingesting is very important, as well as its nutritional composition. Therefore, this distinction is very important.

To learn why 100 calories of avocado is not the same as 100 calories of cake, check out the full article and learn more!

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Understand a little more about counting calories

A calorie is a unit of energy. It is used by your body to survive, that is, so that your body is fully functioning and you can have energy for basic everyday activities. Contrary to what we think, your body does not care about the source of the calorie, it will use it in the same way to stay alive.

However, there are a number of foods that have the same caloric value as others, but that provide a greater feeling of satiety, as well as provide better nutrients to the body. Unlike other foods, with more inflammatory properties, which won't do your body as much good.

Therefore, you need to understand that different foods provide different types of energy to your body. Generally, the harder your body works to digest a food, the fewer calories it will actually absorb.

Following this reasoning, it is possible to understand that your body tends to absorb much more calories from something like a slice of cake than when compared to the calories of an avocado, for example. Just as different foods have different compositions.

That is, each food has its own profile of macro and micronutrients, which your body will use in the necessary proportions for survival. Observing that the composition of foods such as cake and avocado are completely different, it is clear that their effects will be different.

Therefore, no! 100 calories from a slice of cake will not be the same as 100 calories from an avocado. However, it is worth noting that what makes a healthy life are the rules. With that in mind, it's okay to make an exception for a piece of cake when your rule is going really well.

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