Mental health: What are the benefits of fiber for the mind?

Fibers are a type of carbohydrate that our body cannot absorb, whereas animals can. However, despite not being absorbed, did you know that fiber is good for mental health? That's right, the impacts of fibers go beyond just doing good for the intestine. Check out the content we've prepared and understand how eating these substances can affect not only your physical well-being, but your mental well-being!

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What are fibers and where can we find them

As mentioned earlier, fiber is a type of carbohydrate (commonly known as “sugar”). In this sense, we can find them in foods of plant origin such as fruits, roots (cassava, yams, sweet potatoes), greens (arugula, lettuce) and vegetables (beetroot, zucchini), among others.

We do not absorb fiber, as we do not have enzymes capable of breaking it down into sizes that allow its absorption in the intestine. However, it is precisely in this organ that they act and promote a series of benefits, among them, the improvement of mental health.

How fiber improves mental health

Well, first of all, know that there is a very important connection between the gut and the brain, including some authors point out that the intestine was our first brain and this has changed over the years (process evolutionary). For this reason, gut health directly interferes with brain functioning.

Fibers, in turn, are very important for good intestinal functioning. First, because they serve as food for the bacteria that live in the intestine and, consequently, there is greater production of serotonin, a hormone related to the feeling of happiness.

In addition, fibers are essential for the formation of stools and for a good intestinal rhythm, that is, to avoid lazy intestines. You've certainly heard the expression "stuffy", haven't you? Which means someone irritated, with a face of few friends. Well, those who have a slow bowel get angry (after all, they can't go to the bathroom), so the person gets irritated.

Do you now understand why it is so important to consume fiber regularly to maintain good intestinal functioning and, moreover, to benefit from mental health? So, don't forget to include the foods we mentioned.

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