Jacob de Castro Sarmento

Great Jewish-Portuguese doctor from London born in Bragança, preparer of a great commercial success, Água Inglesa, a liquid medicinal compound containing quinine. Graduated in Coimbra, he played an important role in the introduction and popularization in Portugal of new iatromechanical currents under the influence of Boerhaave, as well as Newton's theories.
Because of his Jewish origin, he moved to England fearful of persecution from the Holy Office. Became one of those who gave rise to dynasties of secret medicine manufacturers, common procedure between the 17th and 19th centuries, selling mainly Curvian medicines and formulas and Water from England.
The use of secret medicines began to be condemned by the most advanced sectors of Medicine to from the mid-eighteenth century and reached its maximum rejection with the creation of the Junta do Proto-Medicato (1782). He published important works in England of great use among Portuguese professionals and died in London.
Source: http://www.dec.ufcg.edu.br/biografias/

Order J - Biography - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/biografia/jacob-castro.htm

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