4 appliances you should turn off at night to save energy

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Dealing with the energy bill at the end of the month can be very difficult, so saving on electricity consumption is essential. However, not all appliances should be turned off frequently, like the refrigerator. Therefore, we separate here which appliances to turn off at night to save energy. Check the list.

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Do electrical appliances plugged in consume energy?

Turning off the appliance without unplugging it is not enough to save energy efficiently. That's because most home appliances were programmed to work in stand by mode. This means they won't really be off unless you unplug them. Most of them will be performing a series of functions even when you are not using them, especially in the case of devices with an internet connection.

After all, smart devices tend to update all the time when connected to the internet. As you can imagine, these activities will certainly demand electricity. Still, some analog and old devices are also capable of performing functions even when turned off.

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Turn off these devices at night and save

Some appliances should not be unplugged frequently, as this could result in harm to the consumer. For example, turning off the fridge at night can spoil your food and bring health risks. However, by turning off the following appliances you will be saving a lot of electricity, check it out:

  • Television: The television is an example of an appliance that will be working in stand-by mode when you don't unplug it, so remember to turn it off;
  • Sound system: Similar to television, stereos can also come with LEDs that contribute to the energy bill, so it is better to remove them from the socket;
  • Microwave: Have you noticed that most microwaves come with a display where a clock shows the time? Well then, know that this is a factor that can count towards the increase in your energy bill, so always remember to turn it off;
  • Air conditioning: Leaving the air conditioning on for a few hours before bed can be enough to cool the room. So, schedule it to turn off after a few hours and save electricity.
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