Mini hot dog recipe ready in 10 minutes

The hot dog is a very popular snack and is present in the most diverse situations, from the cart that is on the corner every day to the birthday parties of children and adults. Thinking about it, we will present you today a mini hot dog recipe which is ready super fast. Check it step by step!

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This mini hot dog recipe can be eaten for an afternoon snack, at a family party or any other time you prefer. Considering that it only takes 10 minutes to prepare, this preparation can even save you in times of rush, when you don't have much time to cook.

mini hot dog

The ingredients for this preparation are super easy to find on the market and cost little, that is, it is a very affordable recipe. Regarding the yield, it serves 10 servings, but you can adjust the amount according to the number of people eating.


  • 1 onion cut into small pieces;
  • 1 cup (tea) of water;
  • 10 mini sausages (or 5 cut in half);
  • 1 sachet of tomato sauce or extract;
  • 1 package of ready seasoning for pasta and sauces;
  • Green smell to taste;
  • ½ tablespoon (soup) oil;
  • 10 mini hot dog buns.

Method of preparation

  1. First, take a pan, heat the oil and put the onion to sauté until lightly golden;
  2. Soon after, add the tomato sauce, the sausages, the green smell and the seasoning ready;
  3. Mix everything with a spoon for one minute, then cover with water and cook over low heat for 5 minutes;
  4. Finally, cut the buns, stuff them with the sausages and sauce, then serve.

Tip: poke a few holes in the sausages with a fork or toothpick. That way, the sauce can penetrate better and make the taste more pleasant.

You can even include some ingredients to make the mini hot dog tastier, according to your preference. They are: corn, peas, grated cheese, mashed potatoes or straw potatoes.

In addition, mustard, ketchup and mayonnaise are also great options to put on top of hot dog stuffing. Anyway, prepare this recipe for your next snack and indulge yourself!

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