3 drinks cause a lot of headache; Do you know what they are?

Few things are as bad as a hangover after a night of drinking, right? Dehydration, nausea and, worst of all, headache are very common symptoms of those who exaggerated the dose or even drank a drink that causes these effects more easily. However, it's not just alcoholic beverages that are responsible for migraines, you know? In reality, many other options can cause this discomfort and, because of that, we have prepared a list of drinks that cause a headache. Check out!

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See drinks that cause headaches

Migraines can arise from different problems such as stress, allergies and dehydration. Still, even if they are ′′ easy ′′ to treat, they become a big problem when they recur. After all, they can ruin your day, your night's sleep and even your performance at work or in your studies. Therefore, we show you which beers can ease these pains so that you can manage your dose. See below:

  • Coffee

Coffee is a pretty addictive drink, isn't it? Because of this, it can become an indispensable item for many people's breakfast. However, when breaking your routine and not consuming it, it is very common to suffer from withdrawal, bringing a lot of headache to your day.

According to experts, caffeine narrows blood vessels. Soon, as it leaves our body, they expand again, increasing blood flow. Because of this, if you want to get rid of the drink, it is recommended to gradually reduce the doses of coffee, so the discomfort is not so great and it is possible to get rid of dependence.

  • Beer

There's nowhere to run, the alcohol will end up causing quite a headache. As a diuretic, it ends up promoting water loss and dehydration in our body. In the case of beer, the potential to lead to this state is even greater, as it does not contain other added liquids. In addition, the feeling of a hangover the next day can bring even more complications, especially when the migraine is accompanied by other symptoms.

  • Energetic drinks

The vast majority of energy drinks are loaded with sugars and caffeine that are supposed to boost our energy.

"While one of these drinks can give you a boost for an hour or two, the crash can lead to headaches and fatigue due to the dehydrating nature of caffeine and sugar," says expert.

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