Change in traffic light regulation is already in effect!

Drivers must always be up to date with changes in traffic laws. But, this is not always possible, and some changes end up passing without much publicity or are simply forgotten, as is the case of the one we will mention here, about traffic lights.

This is a change that came with Law 14.071/2020, which came into force on April 12, 2021, releasing a certain maneuver at red traffic lights. The curious thing is that few drivers are aware of this change, even though the Law has been in effect for some time.

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The Law says the following: “the movement of conversion to the right in front of a red traffic light is free where there is an indicative signal that allows this conversion”. In this way, it is understood that drivers are authorized to turn right, even if the traffic light is closed.

However, in a brief analysis of the text, it is possible to verify that the maneuver is not valid in all situations, requiring “indicative signs that allow this conversion”. Thus, even though the change has been in effect for some time, few municipalities have placed the necessary signage for the maneuver, and those who have it, end up having the indication disrespected, since it is not a rule widely known by drivers.

Thus, in practice, many drivers end up stopping in the right lane, even in places that already have the sign indicating that conversion is allowed, which prevents drivers with knowledge of the standard from use. So, the recommendation is to pay attention to the signs, adapting as necessary.

Still along with this change, the text of the Law regulates that drivers have to respect the preferential rights of pedestrians. Therefore, even if there is the possibility of converting to the right in thesemaphore, drivers should wait for pedestrians to cross the lane, if there are any.

Finally, it is important to note that performing this maneuver at traffic lights that are closed and do not have specific signs, as mentioned in the Law, is still a traffic violation.

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