Learn how to make orchid seedlings the easy way

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make your orchids manage seedlings is not an easy job, but it is possible. Just follow some instructions and care that we separate for you, on how to plant orchid seedlings.

Initial processes

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  • To start we need a waterproof tray about 8cm deep, in it we will place the Sphagum moss or sand (both well moistened);
  • Cut a stem about 12 inches from the parent plant, using good clipping shears, to get a clean cut;
  • Divide the stem into several parts of about 7 cm, making sure that each part has a dormant bud;
  • Place them on the tray and leave covered by a plastic film;
  • Try to keep them at an average temperature of 15°C and out of direct sunlight.

developing them

Then always spray the soil with water, keeping it moist and after a few weeks increase the temperature, keeping it between 24 and 30ºC. Once the shoots and roots are protruding, place them in individual pots, which should be filled with a mixture of bark, volcanic soil and well-moistened Spagnum moss. Don't forget to plant with the bud facing upwards.

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Now your seedling is ready!

important precautions

Finally, for your seedling to always be healthy and growing, keep it in a place without direct sunlight, but with good lighting. Always remember to water regularly, but don't leave it soaked, as the orchid rots easily.

Therefore, pay attention to the signs that the plant can give you, such as the yellowing of the leaves that externalizes a lack of nutrients resulting from soil mineral poverty, to avoid this problem use fertilizers with the water that spray.

So, now that you know how to plant orchid seedlings, how about getting started and having several to decorate your home.

Now that you already have your orchid seedling, how about reading more content like this? Enough click here!

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