4 Flowers that pet owners need to avoid in order not to harm the animals

Having a pet is a great joy, but we cannot forget the responsibilities we assume when we have them. This includes caring for the health and well-being of our four-legged friends. That's why we've brought you a list of flowers that are bad for pets so that you avoid them at home or within their reach. Check out the full article and find out what they are!

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Can pet owners have flowers and plants?

With regard to us humans, pets are much more susceptible to toxic substances from some plants and flowers. Therefore, not always can a pet owner have all the flowers he would like, otherwise he will have to plan well for the safety of the little animals. However, it cannot be said that it is completely prohibited, as many plants and flowers are completely harmless to pets. Some may even help with digestion.

Therefore, pay attention to the following species that should certainly be avoided when you have a dog or cat at home:

  • daisies

Daisies are traditional flowers in the home of Brazilians and certainly one of the most beautiful. However, pet owners should be aware, as this is a harmful species for our friends, especially cats. Among the symptoms of contact is diarrhea and inflammation of the cat's skin.

  • Lilies

Similarly, lilies are also harmful to pets with the greatest effect on birds and cats. In these cases, contact with the flower can result in irritation in the mouth, inflammation of the lips and vomiting. That is, it directly affects the entire digestive system.

  • Glass of milk

This is another very common flower in Brazilian homes, but they are especially dangerous because they contain large amounts of calcium oxalate. This component will be responsible for causing irritation to the skin of dogs, cats and other pets. Furthermore, asphyxia can be another very dangerous symptom, as it can lead to death.

  • Amaryllis

Finally, we mention the Amaryllis which, although they are beautiful, are very toxic for pets. This is because they are poisonous to four-legged friends and result in allergic crises, especially in dogs, due to the phenanthridine alkaloids they contain.

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