Operation of the Ministry of Agriculture seizes adulterated rice, coffee and beans

Last week, inspectors from the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (Mapa) conducted an operation in olive oil bottlers and wholesale networks in São Paulo and the Federal District. During the action, 7,799 kilos of beans, 14,565 kilos of rice and 8,950 liters of olive oil with irregularities were seized.

The products were adulterated, leading to the intervention of the authorities to guarantee the quality and food safety of consumers of these products. Incidentally, they are basic products, which further influences possible contamination.

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Ministry of Agriculture seized basic products in the Federal District and São Paulo

During the operation carried out in São Paulo, the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (Mapa) collected samples of roasted and ground coffee for analysis. In addition, packages of rice that were packed in basic baskets and being sold on sale with the indication “type 1” on the label were seized.

However, these packages of rice had irregularities, as they contained broken grains, burned (fermented) and mixed with soybeans. These irregular practices compromise the quality of the products and violate the marketing standards established by the ministry.

The state health surveillance of São Paulo interdicted an olive oil factory due to irregularities on product labels and the lack of traceability in tanks containing feedstock.

In the Federal District, the operation conducted by Mapa resulted in the withdrawal of 2,093 packages of 500 grams of roasted coffee from the market.

These packages were considered unsuitable for consumption due to the presence of substances foreign to the product and impurities in quantities above the limits allowed by law.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the names of the companies and brands that were fined will not be disclosed immediately. The disclosure of the names will only happen when the administrative processes are completed.

This measure aims to guarantee the defense of factories or businesses that are involved in the process. It is therefore expected that the case will be concluded soon.

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