Check out 5 species of plants resistant to the sun

Having plants at home has become the custom of most Brazilians and also of everyone around the world! It makes the environment more cozy, pleasant and full of life. Plant choices must be made carefully, each one has a different need and may not develop as expected.

For the garden area, the plants that are most resistant to the sun are the ones that will best leave a healthy touch to the environment. With that in mind, we have separated which plants to have a colorful garden, so check out the most suitable species to cultivate.

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Sun resistant species

  • A alamanda It is a flower that likes the sun and is known for its stunning beauty and color. Their predominant color is yellow, but they can be seen in shades of purple;
  • A Beautiful morning it has a simple appearance but stands out in the garden for its versatility, it can be placed in hanging vases and decorate balconies, patios and verandas;
  • O Cactus it is famous for being very easy to care for and being resistant to the sun and needing little water to stay alive;
  • A clusia it is a plant with ornamental beauty, it has rigid and shiny leaves, it can be cultivated as living fences and can be transformed into shrubs. Its flowers are small and white giving a more subtle touch;
  • A Myrtle It is an ornamental shrub that stands out a lot in spring due to the beauty of its white flowers, but it also does well in summer because it likes full sun.

With no space to have an external garden, innovate with home locations

It is not necessary to have a large space to have a green corner at home. With the help of creativity, any place in the house can become a garden. The small or large porch is a great place to have plants. Use the walls to support hanging plants.

Inside the house, incredible places to grow can appear, use shelves as support for small cachepots. The use of ornamental vases can collaborate with the decoration of the environment.

So, now that you already know some options for which plants to have a colorful garden, how about starting with them and then going even further?

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