Sweet Potato Fries Recipe That's Crispy on the Outside and Soft on the Inside

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Sweet Potato is a favorite of many people because of its unmistakable flavor, which is sometimes considered tastier than the traditional ones. That's why today we bring you this great sweet potato fries recipe which, although simple, will surprise you.

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How to Fry Sweet Potatoes?

Basically, there is no difference between frying regular potatoes and sweet potatoes. However, it is important to pay attention to the details of the process that will certainly make all the difference in the final result.


We will only use the basics to make this recipe, but you can add some seasonings to your taste at the end. For example, some people don't like to season their potato with just salt.

In these cases, we recommend using oregano or black pepper. Another tip is to serve it with bacon, as it is also a very good combination. In addition, we will use the following measures:

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  • 1kg of peeled and diced sweet potatoes;
  • 1 liter of oil for frying;
  • Salt to taste.


Now let's move on to the preparation part, which requires a lot of attention. In this case, we recommend that you do not skip the step of cooking the sweet potatoes before frying them, as their consistency differs from traditional ones.

Otherwise, frying alone will not be enough to cook the potatoes so that they are fried. In addition to cooking, the oil temperature will also influence a lot. Otherwise, follow the steps below:

  • Peel and cook the potatoes in salted water, then cut them into cubes;
  • Remove the potatoes when they are al dente and drain them well before frying;
  • Put the oil to heat for a time between three and five minutes, or until it starts to bubble;
  • Add the potatoes in handfuls until they are golden, not forgetting to turn them from time to time to fry them completely;
  • Remove and place the potatoes on a paper towel or napkin to remove excess oil;
  • Finish with salt, or other seasonings and complements of your choice, and serve them still warm!
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