Pomegranate tea helps with weight loss; see the benefits

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A pomegranate It is a fruit of ancient origin in Asia, whose cultivation took place throughout the entire length of the Mediterranean Sea. Today, it is cultivated in several countries, including Brazil. In addition to the consumption of the fruit in natura, the tea of pomegranate is one of the ways to receive the benefits of this fruit so ancient and full of mysteries. Read the article in its entirety and find out what are the benefits of pomegranate tea.

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Benefits of consuming pomegranate tea

Pomegranate is used to make drinks, teas and even snacks. Its name has a Latin origin and means “apple with seeds”, because its shape is similar to an apple, but with several pits inside.

The fruit contains vitamins A, C and E and has several benefits in its consumption, such as control of blood pressure, reduction of gum inflammation, increased immunity, in addition to being good for the heart.

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Pomegranate also assists in weight loss, as it has few calories and contains fibers and antioxidants that contribute to the feeling of satiety and improves fluid retention. Next, learn how to make pomegranate tea.

pomegranate tea recipe

Pomegranate tea is prepared with the peel of the fruit. It's just two ingredients. See in the recipe below how to make a delicious pomegranate tea to properly enjoy its benefits.


  • 10g of pomegranate peels;
  • 1 cup of water.

Method of preparation

The preparation of this tea is simple and takes only 10 minutes. Wash the pomegranates with soap and water. Then peel the fruit and place the peels in a pot of boiling water. When it starts to boil, turn off the heat and let it rest for up to 5 minutes with the pan covered. Then just strain the pomegranate tea and drink it.

The recommended frequency for tea consumption is one cup every two days. Avoid consuming for days in a row or more than three times a day.

Pay attention to contraindications

Even though it is a natural and healthy drink, pomegranate tea can have side effects in some people. Gastritis, nausea and vomiting are the most frequent. If these symptoms appear more than once, it is recommended to suspend the consumption of the drink.

Another contraindication is those allergic to pomegranate. Allergy symptoms are closed throat and bumps on the face and mouth. If this situation occurs, seek medical assistance immediately.

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