Know the true meaning of dreaming about an elevator

Firstly, the dream means a journey that connects the conscious (awake) to the unconscious (sleeping). However, in the dream, the elevator can be seen in different ways and, for each way, there is an explanation, a meaning, a different logic. Find out the true meaning of dreaming about an elevator.

Dream about elevator going up and down

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When we think of an old elevator, we imagine that this one is less safe and that modern ones, in addition to bringing more comfort, offer more security.

In the same way it can be in dreams. Elevators go up and down, running vertically. When you move in a different way in the dream, it can represent that life will take other directions.

When he appears in the dream going up and down, it means that there is communication between the conscious and the unconscious in a fluid, healthy way and it is important to keep everything as it is.

Dreaming of a stuck elevator

For many people, just thinking about stepping into an elevator causes claustrophobia. Dreaming of him stuck, stuck, can mean that you are stuck in life, that is, you need to unravel your problems before moving on.

elevator falling

If dreaming of it stuck already means a bad thing, imagine it crashing? Dreaming of falling equipment can mean that your life needs to go faster.

The abrupt descent is a way of alerting you and showing you that you might be stuck in the same place and need a boost to proceed.

elevator going up

If the elevator appears going up in the dream, your life is taking a good direction. In addition, a new cycle for your professional life will begin and your financial life will improve.

Dreaming of an elevator with an open door

You can also dream about the elevator and it can have the door open. If so, it looks like you're spending too much time looking into the future.
It's important to think and plan for the future, but it's not a good idea to dwell on it. You have to look and live the present. The present will also help you find your way to the future.

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