Netflix gains 5 million new subscribers on its new ad-supported plan

Did you know that Netflix has a cheaper plan where subscribers are forced to deal with ads? Well, it exists and is in force in some countries.

Launched about six months ago, this economic plan by Gigante do Streaming has already attracted more than 5 million users since its launch.

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This and other information was disclosed during a presentation made by Netflix executives to some investors, which took place this Wednesday (17).

According to Greg Peters, co-CEO of the company, 25% of all new Netflix subscriptions observed in the last six months were on this more budget plan that includes ads.

“The signs are promising: Engagement on our ad plan is similar to our plans non-additional comparables,” Peters said, comparing the new plan to plans pre-existing.

“This is why [the increase in subscriptions] despite all the competition that exists, Netflix is ​​the most popular streaming service today”, concluded the co-CEO.

Investments in audience analysis

In early 2023, Netflix announced the closing of a partnership with Nielsen, a company specializing in audience and audience research.

According to Jeremi Gorman, the company's advertising director, this measure aims to improve the quality of ads displayed on streaming, avoiding invasive advertising.

“We treat our ads with the same care that we treat our amazing content,” said the executive.

Recently, Netflix announced that it would ban users who shared passwords. The company claims that this practice harms its billing.

Despite touting the arrival of new subscribers, the company has not disclosed total numbers of active subscribers at the moment.

It is known, however, that there is a big difference between open accounts and actually active subscribers on the Netflix platform today.

Graduated in History and Human Resources Technology. Passionate about writing, today he lives the dream of acting professionally as a Content Writer for the Web, writing articles in different niches and different formats.

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