Churros are a delicious dessert that people of all ages enjoy. However, it is not common for people to make this recipe at home, perhaps because they think it is too complicated because it involves frying. But that doesn't have to be a problem! If you have an airfryer at home, making this recipe can become very simple, in addition to being healthier because it does not use frying in oil.
See too: Desserts on AirFryer: Learn how to make delicious recipes!
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Making churros can often seem complicated. However, if you have an airfryer at home, this coveted dessert can be much easier to prepare than you might think. This is because, with this appliance, you will have less greasy churros and cooking them will make less mess in your kitchen.
To make the churros you will need the following ingredients:
- 2 cups of water tea;
- 2 tablespoons of sugar;
- 1 teaspoon of salt;
- 1 tablespoon with vegetable oil;
- 2 cups of wheat flour;
- 2 tablespoons of chocolate powder;
- 1/2 cup sugar mixed with cinnamon powder;
- Stuffing of your choice for the churros.
In addition, you will also need a pastry bag with a churro nozzle or a machine that molds churros.
How to prepare?
To start, mix the water, salt, sugar and oil in a pan over the heat and bring the mixture to a boil. Then, without turning off the heat, add the flour and chocolate powder and mix continuously until the dough reaches a homogeneous mass. Let the dough cool until it is lukewarm so that you can shape the churros. Then model with the pastry bag or with the churro machine.
After doing this, preheat the airfryer for five minutes at a temperature of 200ºC, and then place the churros to bake for 15 minutes. When taking them out, sprinkle them with sugar and cinnamon and/or stuff them. Some filling suggestions are: dulce de leche, brigadeiro, condensed milk and hazelnut cream.