Do you like sushi? Know the criteria that evaluate quality

Since the Japanese immigrants arrived in Brazil, in the beginning of the 20th century, Brazilians have had access to the culinary recipes of the Japanese people. Among the countless delicacies coming directly from the East, sushi is one of the most successful here in Tupiniquim lands.

Raw salmon with a few side dishes has literally won a legion of fans. But, what about you, do you know how to assess whether a sushi is really good? Keep reading and find out!

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These are the main characteristics of a quality sushi:

Only uses traditional ingredients

The Brazilian reinvented sushi, adding cream cheese and even strawberry, but remember that the Japanese prefer the simpler version.

Thus, salmon, seaweed and rice represent the essential trio. This is because an excess of other flavors can mask the true taste of saltwater fish.

It has an impeccable presentation.

It is not necessary that it be served in a boat, but that the cuts are precise and preserve the characteristics of the food.

The symmetry makes the plate a work of art. Any irregularity or even misplaced portions reveal that there was no concern with the food.

The gohan rice is well prepared

In addition to salmon, which is important, gohan has become an important indicator to see if the Japanese food at your favorite restaurant is worth it.

although the rice be more sticky, no grain should be hard or loose. Despite its neutrality, this ingredient needs to awaken your palate.

Uses carefully selected foods

From seaweed nori to shoyu, passing through the salmon that is the main star, professional kitchens prioritize selected foods when preparing sushi.

This care has to do with your health, given that untreated fish increases the risk of contamination. So it's one more way to measure the cook's accuracy.

An authentic sushi is formed by these four pillars: traditional ingredients, selected foods, a well-prepared gohan and finally, a presentation.

Whenever you feel like eating that special sushi, be aware of these signs that demonstrate quality and, of course, the cleanliness of the restaurants where you consume the dish!

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