My CORREIOS application has a flaw and puts user data at risk

If you have the "Meu Correios" application, know that you need to update your password urgently! This is because a technical failure this week allowed undue access to telephone numbers linked to the Individual Taxpayer Registration (CPF) numbers of several customers. Although the Correios have already intervened, it is essential to be careful. Keep reading and learn more about what happened.

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Correios informed in a note that they solved the problem and reported the incident to the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD). However, even so, the guidance for updating passwords follows for prevention.

The number of users reached or the technical breach that led to this data exposure has not yet been reported.

“As soon as the situation was identified, the National Data Protection Authority was notified – ANPD and new security measures were adopted to ensure the privacy of personal data in said application. As a preventive measure, customers using the application were instructed to update their access passwords”, highlighted the statement.

Other apps are not affected

If you are a user of other applications, such as Correios Portal, Tracking, Cep Search, Agency Search and Pre-Postage, rest assured! These apps are unaffected and are working normally.

Do you have any doubts about what happened? Get in touch through the official service channels to answer questions. O

Customers can call 3003-0100 (capital cities and metropolitan areas), 0800-725-0100 (all over Brazil) or go to site and talk via chat or the Talk to Us channel.

Correios offers a wide range of services, including regular mail delivery, express delivery, e-commerce logistics and financial services such as money transfers and billing payments. It also provides additional services such as post office boxes, philatelic services and order processing. passport.

Due to its great relevance, the company is concerned with calming consumers:

“Correios reaffirms its commitment to guarantee the reliability of its channels fingerprints and information security, to promote the best experience for customers and national and international electronic commerce”, highlights the note.

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