5 tips to keep garden pests away from your plants!

Plants have therapeutic potential due to contact with nature, which provides a sense of health and well-being. However, many pests are common and can attack and destroy anyone's garden, so you need to be aware of how to take care of this place to avoid inconvenience!

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So, check out in this article 5 tips to keep garden pests away from your plants!

Tips for getting rid of garden pests

There are several animals that are considered garden pests and that normally feed on the sap and leaves of plants, making them fragile, yellowing, diseased and leading to the death of the plant, it is important to understand how to protect the plants from this invasion and keep the garden healthy and beautiful!

  • Cleaning

Dirt is one of the most favorable environments for attracting various types of pests. So always leave your garden very clean, remove old leaves, dead plants, stagnant water and never leave the plant soil soaked!

  • pest identification

If even after cleaning the pests appear, you need to identify what it is to apply the specific treatment. The most common are mealybugs, aphids, slugs, nematodes and mites.

Mealybugs are very small insects and most of the time they form several spots with a white or light color on the leaves. Aphids, on the other hand, are also small, but are clustered in dark or yellowish spots.

Slugs are easier to spot as you will easily see the clam due to their size! Nematodes are worms that attack the roots of plants, so the plant becomes weak and brittle. Finally, spider mites are more difficult to detect, but under their attack, plants take on dry, yellow leaves.

  • barriers

Some physical barriers can be made to prevent the pest from reaching your plants, where the most common is to cover the garden with a very thin screen!

  • repellent plants

Several plants have a natural repellent and insecticidal power and you can plant them in the garden to repel pests, such as rue, citronella, coriander, mint, rosemary, basil and anise!

  • pesticides

Despite these precautions, some pests are persistent and may appear. So the only alternative is to go for more aggressive methods, such as chemicals. You can find many types of pesticides for your plants in specialized stores or on the internet!

So, now that you know how to keep pests away from your plants, take the opportunity to forward this article to your friend who would also like to know.

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