Video: kitten calls her tutor 'mommy' and goes viral on the internet

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Cat tutors can confidently say: these animals they are surprising, independent and display an intelligence out of the ordinary. If you have one at home, answer us: is your cat like Salomão, who meows calling his tutor “mommy”? This is the feline belonging to Luana Magalhães, a resident of Rio de Janeiro.

Can cats talk?

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The unusual situation made Salomão famous on the internet. The charming feline, with dark fur and lively eyes won over everyone on social media. The record is on Luana's TikTok, tutor of the cat who called her "mommy".


My cat speaks mom 😻😻😻

♬ original sound – Luana Magalhães

In the video, Salomão is lying very comfortably on the kitchen floor. At that moment, Luana, who already had her cell phone in video mode, calls Salomão and asks him to call her “mom”. It is at this moment that the unusual happens. The kitten obeys and meows very lovingly to its owner.

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This affection, which many fathers and mothers of pets would like to feel from their animals, became something constant in Luana's life. from October 2020, when Salomão arrived at the young woman's house, bringing a lot of companionship and happiness to her daily life girl.

Doubt that does not want to be silent

Can cats talk? According to veterinarians, felines, especially cats, communicate through sound waves. In this sense, cats can emit different sounds to express what they feel.

Just like humans who have a unique voice, cats also have their own sound waves. Depending on the situation, the listener may understand that the meow is expressing a word, but it's just a different frequency of the sound that is emitted, so the meow is different.

We cannot expect animals to emit the same sounds as us, but this fact does not represent a lack of communication or sensitivity, since cats can also feel and understand what we say or we feel.

But since they don't speak, Salomão found a way to call the owner mom through a very cute meow. Watch the video as many times as you want to enjoy the sweetness of the pussy. Show it to your family and friends!

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