Benefits of Cilantro: Herb helps with healing and bone health!

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Cilantro is a staple herb in Asian, Mexican and Middle Eastern cuisines. In this way, its unique taste, between citrus and pepper, and the characteristic smell make it part of many dishes around the world.

In addition, it has incredible nutritional potential. Rich in vitamins and other important health benefits, it is an antioxidant, helps lower blood pressure and is good for your eyesight. However, it can also have disadvantages in some respects. With that in mind, we have prepared a list of some of the most important benefits and disadvantages of coriander for your health. Follow!

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The benefits of this miracle spice

There are not many researches that reveal the properties of coriander, however, the existing ones already show its great potential. It is an important source of nutrients, as only a quarter of a cup of its leaves can contain about 16% of vitamin K, which is responsible for wound healing and helps in the health of bones.

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Coriander is also rich in antioxidants, specifically polyphenols, which are excellent allies in reducing inflammation, preventing premature aging and improving skin health. In addition, according to research published by the journal Molecules, cilantro can regulate blood pressure and prevent cardiovascular disease.

some disadvantages

Despite having important nutrients, cilantro can also have some disadvantages. Generally, some people are resistant to the strong smell present in cilantro.

Also, when adding it to recipes, check that the leaves are properly cleaned, washing always with water and soap, and if possible, soaking them for a few minutes in a solution with water sanitary. Always opt for green, fresh, stain-free leaves.

Coriander is great for preparing seafood, fish, white meat, vegetables and other dishes. If someone has resistance to the leaves, choose to use the crushed or beaten seasoning in the blender.

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