64-year-old woman has twins, but justice intervenes and removes her children

One story has drawn a lot of international news attention in recent years. This is the case of a 64-year-old woman who gave birth to twins in Spain after undergoing fertility treatment.

However, what could just be a beautiful story of motherhood hides a reality of pain, as this woman lost custody of her children.

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Woman fights for the dream of motherhood

Many women have to deal with difficulties when it comes to getting pregnant due to several factors and one of them is age.

This also happened to Maurícia Ibáñez, a woman who is over 65 years old, but who still had the desire to get pregnant inside her. So she took the step of resorting to available medical treatments.

In this case, Maurícia, who lives in Spain, went to the United States, where she started a treatment to get pregnant and achieved her dream. Thus, she gave birth to twins at the age of 64.

However, other circumstances caused Maurícia to lose custody of the children, which caused this woman deep sadness.

Light to twins.
Photo: Google.

According to Spanish justice, Mauritius was unable to take care of her children, not because of her age, but because of her personality.

In the case, the intervention of the Family Court concluded that the woman did not offer a safe environment for the children. In addition, she did not have a support network that could help her create.

A Mother's Suffering

Since 2017, Mauritius has been fighting in court to reverse the court's decision to withdraw custody of their children, but without success.

In this case, the fact that she lives in isolation, without relatives and is already quite old worries the authorities. It is believed that children would have greater opportunities in life if they had another family.

On the other hand, this generates deep suffering for Mauritius, who is said to be disappointed and traumatized. Recently, the Supreme Court gave the final verdict to send the children up for adoption, where they are today.

Until then, there is no adoptive family in sight, and meanwhile, Maurícia continues in its fight to reverse the decision.

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