5 appliances you should never plug into extension cords

It's very common to have different appliances in our house, isn't it? Some of them are essential and indispensable, and knowing how to keep them in full working order is essential to increase their useful life and not have any problems. In this sense, an aspect that should be considered is whether you can use electrical appliances in the extension.

The answer is that some appliances can be connected, however, there are some appliances that must be connected directly to the sockets so that they are not affected.

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Thinking about helping you, we brought some information about which devices cannot be connected with the extension and why. Follow next!

portable air conditioner

Portable air conditioning is not such a common household appliance, but people who invest in this device are those who cannot install a common air conditioner for some reason.

But, as they are more expensive devices, it is important to take some precautions during use, such as, for example, not connect them to an extension cord, as they consume a lot of energy, making the entire house system overloaded.

Ideally, you should have an outlet just to turn on your portable air conditioner.

Washing machine

Another appliance that cannot be connected to an extension cord is the washing machine, after all, it consumes about 1400 watts, too much power for a power strip, putting the whole house in danger.

That's because, extensions usually support less than that, and when you connect the washing machine and other appliances, you can not only damage the electro, but also the house's electrical system.


The microwave is also a device that cannot be connected to an extension cord, as they require more energy than others.

With that, when you use a line filter along with other connected appliances, it's possible to damage your device and also cause a short in your home. Thus, other devices can also be damaged in use.


Even though the blender is a smaller appliance than others, it also consumes a lot of energy and needs a higher power to function, which may be similar to the power of the to wash.

Precisely for this reason, it is not recommended that you connect the blender to an extension cord, as it may burn your device, other connected appliances and even damage your electrical network residence.


It is not recommended that you connect your refrigerator to an extension cord because of the power it needs to function. That's because, your internal temperature can be compromised, damaging your food and being able to burn the fridge.

When you turn on these appliances that need more power, they can increase the risk of fire due to short circuit, in addition to electrical damage to the house. So stay tuned and don't use these 5 appliances in extensions.

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