Find out if you are affected by Job Burnout Syndrome

A Burnout syndrome It is a disorder that affects people who demand perfection above the ordinary. So, the disorder Burnout, also known as Professional Burnout Syndrome, is linked to the great physical and mental effort in the work environment. In addition, Burnout is classified according to the World Health Organization (WHO) as a phenomenon in work environments, but it can be affected in other situations.

So, being a syndrome that brings a person's physical and mental exhaustion, Burnout ends up influencing personal development.

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Therefore, that is why in this post we will address how to identify burnout syndromeand how to soften it. So check it out!

Features of Burnout Syndrome

Burnout can notify its presence with simple characteristics, so it is worth paying a little more attention to others or even to yourself.

Burnout features:

  • Prove your own worth all the time;
  • Difficulty disconnecting from work;
  • Difficulties in relaxing and having moments of pleasure and leisure;
  • Difficulties in socializing;
  • Dissatisfaction with yourself and others;
  • Escape from personal problems;
  • Fickle mood;
  • Revealing abusive situations;
  • Difficulties in saying no;

Causes of Burnout Syndrome;

So, it's very important to know what can trigger burnout, so it's easier to locate the syndrome and how to treat it.

main causes:

  • Failure to respect work entry and exit times;
  • In addition, isolation and lack of integration among team members;
  • Delivery times that are not feasible;
  • Abusive bosses;
  • Increased workload without rewards;
  • job insecurity;
  • Lack of clarity about the goals of the team and company;
  • Treatment against burnout;
  • Finally, treatment is based on prevention, it is necessary to take care of well-being, perform activities that can provide mental relief from the pressure that was the cause of burnout.

It is super important to follow up with a psychological professional, because with the help of therapy, you can collaborate to understand how the syndrome works and how to get rid of it.

So, now that you know how to identify the Burnout syndrome, take the opportunity to forward this article to that friend of yours who would also like to know more about the subject.

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