Government of SP extends registration of competition for teacher

The Secretary of Education of the State of São Paulo published a notice with 15,000 vacancies for tenured teachers. Hiring will be done through a public tender, which has not been carried out for 9 years.

See too: Caixa announces the opening of vacancies for interns; scholarships reach R$ 1 thousand

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Public tenders: Federal Government authorizes the opening of more than 3…

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For many professionals who worked under a contractual regime, this is the opportunity to be hired in their careers. Good news released recently by the government itself is that registration for the contest had its deadline extended.

Now, those interested who have not yet registered for the event have until June 27th. To register, you must access the Vunesp Foundation official website.

Contest for teachers; understand the details

Although the registration deadline has been extended, the test day remains the same. The contest will be held on August 6, 2023. Professionals specializing in

mathematics and Portuguese language are the ones with the most vacancies. There are, respectively, 4,556 and 4,322 opportunities in the areas.

In all, there are 10,742 vacancies to be exercised in the Extended Teaching Workday, characterized by the provision of 40 hours of work per week.

In addition, there are another 4,258 to be exercised in a Full Teaching Workday, characterized by the provision of 25 hours of work per week.

The starting salaries are R$5,000 and R$3,125, respectively. According to functional evolution, professors can reach remuneration of R$ 13 thousand.

The registration fee is R$ 40 for those who will compete for a single option and R$ 60 for those who will try two.

How is the proof?

According to the official announcement of the competition, the test will be divided into objective, discursive, practical and title stages.

In all, the practical test will consist of 30 multiple-choice questions. The discursive test will consist of two questions related to themes of the São Paulo Curriculum and methodology and structure of teaching.

Finally, the practical assessment consists of simulating a class recorded on video, lasting five to seven minutes. The use of different media resources is allowed, as long as the candidate appears in the image during the entire recording time.

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