Learn how to issue the CRLV digitally and for free!

The Federal Government is gradually implementing means of verifying official documents through cell phone applications, via QR Code, as already occurs with the voter registration card and the National Qualification. The same is true of the Vehicle Registration and Licensing Certificate (CRLV), since June 2020, although few people are aware of this yet. Discover now how to issue the CRLV digital for individuals or legal entities free of charge:

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Digital CRLV: necessary information

It is very likely that you have ever forgotten to take documents such as RG, CPF or Identity Card with you. Luckily, it is possible to prove your identity through Government applications, which are already making efforts to keep up with the Digital Age. CRLV also underwent this update. Know more:

What is the validity of the document?

When issuing your digital CRLV, its previous information is not changed. It's like requesting a duplicate, but digitally. Therefore, the validity of the document is the same as the printed document.

What are the criteria for accessing the digital CRLV?

You just need to have paid the license of your car to the Department of Vehicle Jurisdiction (Detran) of your state. However, there are differences for issuance to individuals and legal entities. Find below the step by step for both cases:

CRLV-e for legal entity

You must have the ICP-Brasil Digital Certificate (can be A1 or A3), issued in the name of the legal entity in possession of the vehicle in question. After that, just:

  • Access the Denatran Services Portal;
  • Press ”Entrar com gov.br” and fill in your login and password;
  • Select the "Digital Certificate" option;
  • Go to the "My Vehicles" tab, which is on the home screen;
  • Click on the vehicle of interest;
  • The option to download the digital CRLV in two formats will appear: ”pdf” or ”p7s”;
  • CRLV-e for individuals.

You only need to have the CRV Security Code and the Renavam number at hand.

  • Download the Digital Traffic Card (CDT) application;
  • Click on "Entrar com gov.br" and enter your account;
  • Press the “Vehicles” option;
  • Select ”Tap here to add a CRLV”;
  • Fill in the Renavam number of the vehicle of interest;
  • Enter the security code printed on the CRV.

After that, you will be able to access the digital CRLV.

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