How to conserve and store cheeses? We explain!

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Cheeses are wonderful foods and also very vulnerable to bacteria and fungi, so it is extremely necessary that its conservation be done in the correct way. Also, if you want to extend the shelf life of your cheese, there are also some tricks that can help with the preservation process. So, we separate some tips from the dairy specialist from the Brazilian Association of Cheese Industries (ABIQ) to tell you how to store cheese correctly.

How to preserve cheese?

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There are cheeses for all tastes and budgets, from the cheapest, like mozzarella, to the most expensive and sophisticated ones. Cheese is a much-loved and popular food, but what many people don't know is that it is extremely vulnerable to fungi and bacteria and, therefore, it is It is fundamentally important to know how to store it, after all, in addition to protecting it from unwanted fungi, correct storage is essential to preserve its flavor and quality.

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With that in mind, the specialist in dairy, from the Brazilian Association of Cheese Industries (ABIQ), Maria Cristina Mosquim, separated essential tips for the storage and conservation of your cheese.

keep it closed

When we take the cheese out of the packaging for the first time, many times we have no way of putting it back, however it is very important to keep it protected, in a closed place and inside the refrigerator, it can be either in a container with a lid or in a paper film. After all, this will protect you from future setbacks such as dryness, cracking or even the worst of all: spoiling.


Freezing is a very practical way of preserving food, not least because the procedure does not change the flavor and even increases the conservation time.

Therefore, if you want to keep your cheese longer, wrap it in aluminum foil (if it has already been opened), then wrap it in cling film and place it in your freezer. You can keep your cheese for up to a year this way. And as soon as you want, you can consume it, just take it out of the freezer so that it defrosts and you can use it. However, it is important to emphasize that this technique does not apply to Minas fresh cheese, as it should not be frozen.


Only hard cheeses can be left out of the fridge and even then, they need to be very careful when being stored, as they need to be covered with aluminum foil or cling film, without forgetting to allow the cheese to breathe through small holes. As for the other cheeses, they can only be kept at room temperature for a maximum of 4 hours.

Check expiration date at time of purchase

When buying, pay attention to the expiration date indicated, it is very important because often, when the cheese is close to expiration, they tend to have a different flavor, causing many Brazilians to throw the food away, even though they are still good for us. consumption.
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