The game of animal hangman challenges you to find the two breeds of 'doguinhos'

Dogs are cute and everyone knows it. And adding fun with animals makes it even better. Today, your mission in this hangman game is to find out which are the cutest dog breeds in the world selected to make you lose your mind in this game. The idea is to have fun.

So don't feel pressured to find the answer right off the bat. If you want, call another person to answer with you, that way it's cooler, because they can control your hits and make the drawings of your gallows.

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Good luck in this game of hangman with the dog race.

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Two dog breeds were chosen to represent the “doguinhos” in this game

In the image below you will see that there are two figures with dotted lines and the representation of a gallows. Each of the traits refers to the letters of the puppy's breeds that you must find out which breed it is.

If this is your first time playing hangman, know that the game works as follows: You will choose a letter and see if it fits the word. The person next to you, who already knows the answer, will observe whether or not the chosen letter is the correct one for the word.

If the chosen letter does not match the word, then your first drawing of the gallows will begin. The idea is to draw a whole body, with head, torso, in the form of drawings with sticks. If the doll is completed and you haven't responded, then your chances are over.

Hangman game with dog breed

In the picture above, the breed of dog has 14 letters. One hint is that he is cute, usually has blue eyes, and loves the cold.

If you're playing alone, to make it easier, check out the image below with some letters already filled in. It can be the starting point to continue the game.

Hangman game with dog breed

And there? Have you found the answer yet? In the picture below, there's another cute dog breed waiting to be discovered. A tip to help you: it's one of the most beloved breeds on social media with caramel fur.

Hangman game with dog breed

If it's still hard to unravel, connect with the dots below, with a glue with some vowels that are part of this dog's name.

Hangman game with dog breed


We hope that its strength is intact and that its discovery was as quick as possible. But if so far it's still hard to know which are the cutest dog breeds on this gallows, see the answers in the images below.

Hangman game with dog breed
Hangman game with dog breed
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