You will need to pay attention and use your knowledge correctly to win this challenge. The day's adventure has the objective of saving the primate species of the hangman game and return them to their natural habitat. Will you be able to free the animals from their cruel fate? Invite a friend to play with you and help you in this mission.
Read more:What's the color? Guaranteed fun with this color-themed hangman game
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Why must you save them?
Primates are vertebrate mammals that include apes, monkeys, lemurs and humans. They have important physical characteristics that make them stand out from other animals, such as the presence of 5 toes in hands with opposable thumb, highly developed brain and binocular and three-dimensional vision with clarity and colors. However, it is sad that many of them are threatened with extinction.
Now that you've learned about primates, help us save them. It's all up to you!
Game rules:
One at a time, each player must hit the missing letters. Remember if! For each mistake you must draw a part of the puppet.
You will save the primates if you get the words right without having completed the drawing.
1st game of hangman: Primate with 6 letters

Hint: Large primate that does not have a tail.

Answer: If you wrote gorilla, you were right! Gorillas are among the largest primates in the animal kingdom, measuring up to 2 meters in height and weighing between 140 and 230 kg. He has a stocky body with an extremely strong and broad chest, a hairless face with large nostrils, small ears, and prominent eyebrows. When not in captivity, gorillas mostly live on rainforest floor, but they easily climb trees when they want to feed and rest.
2nd game of hangman: Primate with 11 letters

Hint: It has long red hair.

Answer: If you think it's the orangutan, you're right! This animal lives in large trees in tropical forests and has characteristic striking as long red hair, although they have no fur on the chest, belly and palm. of hand. When standing, it can reach 2 meters in height and weigh 100 kilos. And the worrying news is that orangutans are currently in danger of extinction.
Games results:
Congratulations! You've reached the end of this adventure and managed to save the primates! How about leaving for a next mission? On our website we have many more games like this for you. And just below you will find the gallows templates. Check out: