What is Kefir and what are its main benefits?

Nowadays, it is clear that the vast majority of people are concerned about the food they are eating. It is even common to see nutrition professionals being sought out more consistently. Issues related to gut health have always been a matter of discussion and Kefir, for example, is one of the foods known for this function. See below for more details on what the kefir.

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First of all, we need to understand what kefir is. It is a fermented milk that has a thinner consistency. Unlike yogurt, it has three times more probiotics and is low in lactose.

It is a food that greatly benefits intestinal health, the immune system and the digestive tract. Many people recommend it for the preparation of smoothie morning.

Check out the three main benefits of kefir below:

  • promotes calm

According to research published in the journal Molecular Psychiatry, kefir helps reduce anxiety.

Thus, a study was carried out in which a selected group was willing to eat foods that favor the intestinal system, while another group maintained their normal diet.

As a result, the researchers noticed that the group that was following the proposed diet showed short-term improvements in terms of stress.

One explanation for this is the healthy balance of gut bacteria that stimulate the production of feel-good hormones.

  • Relieves digestive tract problems

Kefir is an excellent food to balance the microbes in the gut and therefore can reduce digestive problems.

A study done in 2020 concluded that people consuming probiotics have a better chance of reducing symptoms like heartburn, nausea and abdominal pain.

This happens due to the increase in the body's immune response, thus producing short-chain fatty acids.

  • Strengthens the bones

Kefir is rich in calcium and vitamin K2. These factors help keep bones strong and dense and protect against future fractures.

In the review of studies in 2018, it was concluded that vitamin K2 is essential for the formation of new bones and also for the prevention of bone degradation. Thus there will be the possibility of significantly reducing the risk of fractures.

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