Criminals are increasingly creative and innovating in the scams carried out

Criminals are getting more and more creative with technology scams. Thus, scammers adapt to new means of payment, as has been the case with approximation payment using cards or cell phones.

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Scammers have used technology to carry out scams on cards or cell phones that do not need a password, approaching machines to carry out the theft. Thefts usually happen in places where there is a concentration of people, such as buses or large events with high impact. In this way, the scam is usually only noticed by the victim after a few hours.

If you have been one of these victims, article 14 of the Consumer Protection Code (CDC) determines that “the service provider responds, regardless of the existence of fault, for repairing damage caused to consumers by defects relating to the provision of services. services". Therefore, financial institutions are responsible for any security breaches caused by including when criminals pull the card machine close to the victim's belongings to carry out the theft.

According to lawyer Beatriz Castilho, although there is no law that obliges banks to reimburse consumers, this is generally what happens in case of scams. "What we see in case law today is that consumers have been compensated normally", he explains.

Upon realizing that you have been the victim of a scam, you must immediately notify the bank and dispute the values. This is an important step to be able to block or even cancel the card if necessary, as well as to note down all service protocols. It is also recommended to file a police report at the nearest police station or online. The B.O. it is an important recording instrument for institutions to be able to identify the types of crimes that occur, in order to try to find solutions to these problems.

We also reinforce that in case of loss/theft of the card or improper transactions, the customer must immediately contact the card's call center. And not least, it is recommended to keep it in a safe place, and before inserting or approaching a machine, check the purchase price.

Lover of movies and series and everything that involves cinema. An active curious on the networks, always connected to information about the web.

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