Know the signs that your body needs more fiber

Intestinal regulation, weight loss or control of binge eating: all of them can be associated with fiber intake food. According to research carried out by the FDA, Americans do not consume even the recommended half of fiber each month. It's important to evaluate if you're not making this mistake!

Read more:smental health: what are the benefits of fiber for the mind?

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Check now what are the signals your body sends when it needs more fiber.

Dietary fiber and body signals

Studies have reinforced the importance of a balanced microbiota, that is, a balance in the amount of bacteria and fungi that live in our gut. The microbiota has numerous benefits for our body, so fibers become extremely important to keep it in homeostasis.

We are talking about complex carbohydrates that are generally not digested, but which serve as food for bacteria that populate the human microbiome. In this way, they have the function of prevention and treatment for constipation, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. How do we know we should increase fiber intake? Check it out:

You are always constipated

A diet rich in soluble fiber allows more water to enter the stool. Consequently, it will have the ideal consistency to pass through the intestine. Therefore, use the recommended daily amount to avoid this problem.

you are always hungry

They slow down the digestion process, which keeps serum glucose (blood glucose levels) stable. In this way, in addition to avoiding diabetes – as glucose levels do not vary abruptly – fiber also increases satiety.

You are gaining weight abnormally

This item is related to what was pointed out just above. When the diet is low in fiber, people tend to eat unbalanced. In this way, situations of food compulsion can occur. And not only that! A person can gain a lot of weight. This question will vary according to your metabolism.

you are always hungry

They tend to slow down the digestion of simple carbohydrates. With a poor diet in this sense, people reach glycemic peaks quickly and, soon after, there is a sudden drop in the same levels. That's why the ideal is to opt for fiber sources of complex carbohydrates. They will be digested slowly, so you won't have a quick peak, as it will remain constant over the hours.

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