A doctor explains: what are the consequences of swallowing gum?

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Although we hear those phrases stating that “if you swallow gum, it can stay in your body for seven years” or that as soon as you swallowed one, your digestive or respiratory tracts would be clogged, these situations are more difficult to occur than we think. But after all, Can swallowing gum be harmful?

Is swallowing gum bad for health?

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Swallowing gum is a common habit among many people. Some may do this without thinking, while others do it intentionally. But the question that arises is: can swallowing gum harm our body?

The answer is a little complicated. In general terms, swallowing a piece of gum occasionally will not do any harm to our body. However, this does not mean that swallowing gum is a healthy practice. There are some potential risks that come with the habit of swallowing gum.

What can happen to your body if you swallow too much gum?

The first risk is the risk of bowel obstruction. Chewing gum is made of substances that cannot be easily digested by our body. This means that if we swallow too much gum, it can build up in our intestinal tract and form an obstruction. This can lead to symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.

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Also, some gum contains artificial sweeteners that can cause gastrointestinal problems in some people. These sweeteners can trigger symptoms like bloating, gas, diarrhea and cramping.

Another potential risk is that if we swallow gum regularly, it can affect our digestion. Chewing is an important part of the digestion process, and swallowing gum prevents the food from being fully broken down in our stomachs.

And what then is the answer?

Swallowing gum occasionally will not do any harm to our body. However, if we do this frequently, we could be at risk of intestinal obstruction, gastrointestinal problems and digestion problems. Therefore, it is better to avoid the habit of swallowing gum and choose to spit it out after chewing.

If you're one of those people who loves chewing gum and is prone to swallowing, it's important to keep in mind the risks associated with this habit. It is better to avoid swallowing gum frequently and opt to spit it out after chewing. In this way, you can maintain good digestive health and avoid unnecessary problems.


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