Remember: see 4 surprising alien discoveries of 2022

As technology advances and scientists have more access to places and situations that were impossible before, more discoveries are being made. There are several areas that exhibit interesting factors and have even been revealed. Among them are alien discoveries. They are among the most surprising and that most arouse people's interest. Take a look!

You won't believe what's been discovered so far.

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Check out the five most surprising alien discoveries of 2022 below.

  1. Colorful and bright beings

According to Apollo 12 astronaut Alan Bean, when he was inside a rocket for yet another experiment, two bolts of lightning hit them in less than 30 seconds.

After this event, when they reached the moon, they noticed bright colored objects flying by and thought that they could be lunar mode debris. Afterwards, this theory fell apart. They came to believe that, in fact, they were beings that were prowling the ship at that moment.

  1. Flying shiny objects on Mars

After NASA dropped a Curiosity probe on the planet Mars, the team began to notice that there was something very strange there. One of the first things visualized was two flying glowing objects.

Not knowing exactly how to explain this, scientists took into account the need to study the events leading up to the moment of landing. Anyway, there are rumors that this cloud of flying shiny objects could be the crane that took the Curiosity probe into space, crashing and exploding.

  1. Objects being pushed in multiple directions

When the space shuttle Discovery is ready to return to Earth, it perceives, through its external cameras, the presence of objects passing around it in multiple trajectories.

You astronauts said they changed direction all the time. Early explanations suggested space junk beings being pushed away by spacecraft's thrusters. space shuttle, that is, the jet can release strong "winds" and change the directions of several flakes in the space.

  1. strange beings

As reported by a scientist, in one of his experiments, he and his colleagues took cameras and binoculars to identify strange things through the window of the rocket they were in.

At first, they imagined that they could see some kind of being bothered by their presence in that region, but then the NASA hypothesized that what was seen was, in fact, ice particles that were released due to the vibration of the propellant. The pieces reflected because of the sunlight.

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