Visual challenge: how many triangles can you spot in the picture?

You visual tests are becoming more and more challenging. People who propose to do them realize that the brain tends to get even more confused.

There are many options available and, for today, all you will need is mathematical knowledge, especially the geometry part. Are you ready to try? Then continue reading.

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Condition your brain to think more and more logically

In the vast majority of games optical illusion, a time is proposed for resolution. This great detail ends up making the test even more challenging and, therefore, many people end up not being able to solve them.

In the puzzle presented below, you will see an image of a large triangle formed by many smaller ones.

The challenge is to count how many of these figures are present in the image in just 30 seconds. So are you ready? If yes, go to a calm and quiet place. I was reading!

Ready! Now, answer: how many triangles could you identify in the image? At first glance, the picture looks pretty simple, doesn't it? Therefore, the vast majority end up saying that there are only 9 figures within the image.

There are other people claiming that there are 10, as there is a detail that few can understand. However, the correct answer is neither of the two presented above.

If your answer was one of them, don't be discouraged, as 90% of people couldn't solve the game either.


Well, let's get down to business. The right answer to this challenge é 18. Yes, there are 18 triangles in the displayed image. You were surprised, weren't you? Do you want to go back and try again? If so, the time is now.

If you found all 18 triangles, congratulations! After all, you are among the 10% who managed to identify the correct answer. This even means that your skills mathematicsand also observation and perception are excellent.

However, if you can't find the triangles, don't be disappointed. The tip is: keep practicing, because, with time, you will realize that they will become much easier.

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