'Six-Second Kiss Theory': This Method Could Save Your Relationship

Kissing is one of the most important components in a relationship, as well as affection and dialogue. However, due to time and disappointments, some couples abandon this very important habit of everyday life together.

This is a big mistake, since kissing can be crucial to saving a relationship, as pointed out by six second kiss theory.

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What is the Six Second Kiss Theory?

This theory brings the idea that couples, whether dating or already married, need to resort to kissing as a way to keep their relationship alive and also to improve their mood during the day.

However, this would not be just any kiss, but one of at least six seconds, as that would be the time needed for a deep interaction between the couple.

This is what explains Professor of Psychology at the University of Washington, Dr. John Gottman to

SubwayUK. According to him, keeping the habit of kissing your partner for six seconds can avoid the unrest in relationships, as well as ensuring that the couple never ceases to feel close and part of life from each other.

In addition, the doctor also warns that this kiss needs to be part of every couple's routine and emphasizes that no one can leave the house without first kissing their partner for six seconds. This kiss will act as a kind of intense affection between the couple and will always make them remember the reason for the love between the two.

The benefits of kissing

Anyway, Dr. Gottman wasn't the only one to warn about the benefits of kissing - in fact, psychology has known this for a long time. Among them are reduced stress levels, i.e. decreased cortisol, as well as greater sense of well being due to increased oxytocin and dopamine.

In addition, the kiss will also serve to increase testosterone levels in the body, as it can be shared by saliva. Not to mention that couples who continue with the habit of kissing, even after a certain time, manage to maintain the same intimacy, which is a rare feat in recent times.

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