Elon Musk Promises Humans Will Travel to Mars in 5 Years

It's no secret that Elon Musk wants humanity to get to Mars. The tech billionaire has been chasing that dream for about two decades now, and now it's starting to look like his aerospace company SpaceX will eventually make it possible. Until when? Musk says in the next five to ten years.

In a recent interview, Musk was asked once again – “When do you think SpaceX will land a human on Mars?” For To this, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX responded that in the best case scenario, SpaceX could put a man on Mars within the next five years. The worst case scenario could extend this to the next 10 years.

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Which is still commendable, considering the argument is about sending a living, breathing human being on the surface of another. planet, a prospect that might have been wildly ridiculed had we been living just half a century before today. Now, we have big, imposing rockets like SpaceX's spacecraft, which could make Musk's dream and many others possible soon.

It's not like Musk is being overly optimistic. When podcaster Lex Fridman asked the question during the interview, Musk contemplated it for a good ten seconds. He then said, “best case is about five years, worst case 10 years”, words enough to stir excitement in the hearts of all space enthusiasts.

This isn't the first time Musk has suggested a timeline for humans to land on Mars. In an interview with Time magazine earlier this month, Musk said, "I'll be surprised if we don't land on Mars in five years." The timeline has become a bit more realistic since then, it seems.

Though it should be noted that Musk is notoriously famous for missing deadlines for his targets. With good reason, as his ambitions are often considered insane, at least until the world sees him realize them. Landing a man on Mars is one such aspiration. Creating a rocket big enough for that is another.

Musk appears to be in control of the latter half. In his recent interview, he highlighted how determinants of the monumental task include "rocket engineering". He took the chance to mention the Starship's greatness, calling it "the most complex and advanced rocket that has ever been made." “It's really next level,” he said.

Musk explained that the level of optimization on Starship is what is crucial for this mission. The rocket is able to minimize the cost per ton per orbit "and ultimately the cost per ton on the surface of Mars," Musk explained.

Although this is crucial to the mission. This, of course, will not be the only factor shaping a manned trip to Mars. Although it appears that Musk, as well as other agencies associated with the venture, still have time to figure all of this out.

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