ALERT: 5 Dangerous Android Apps You Should Delete From Your Phone

The term "malware” refers to software created to cause inconvenience to users. These types of malevolent programs run from apps that users themselves download, believing it to be a harmless platform.

Want to learn how to protect yourself from this? Then check out this article in its entirety!

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How does malware work?

There are actually several types of malware. Some of them are created in order to obtain information about users, such as passwords for applications and banks. Others serve exclusively to cause inconvenience, such as slowing down the processor and opening unsolicited pages.

Many people are already aware of how malware works on computers, as these programs tend to run like “viruses” on the internet. Currently, these software are programs to adapt to mobile devices such as cell phones.

mobile malware

In recent days, many users of Android devices have been complaining that their phones are not working properly. In many of these cases, this issue was related to specific apps that were downloaded onto the devices.

Check out the most popular apps that work as malware below:

  • PIP Pic Camera Photo Editor;
  • Wild & Exotic Animal Wallpaper;
  • ZodiHoroscope- Fortune Finder;
  • PIP Camera 2022;
  • Magnifier Flashlight.

Most of these apps work in such a way that certain data related to the account that was registered with is stolen.

How to protect yourself from malware?

Well, the best way to protect yourself from malware is to be very careful with pages, links and apps that look suspicious. Among the main security measures are:

  • Have a good antivirus on your device. In the market, there are both paid and free programs that work efficiently;
  • Don't click on emails or app links sent by contacts you don't know;
  • Do some research on app security before downloading.

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