Understand how actor Bruce Lee died from drinking too much water

After 49 years of the death of the legendary bruce lee, doctors believe they have discovered the cause of the brain swelling that ended up killing the actor. According to researchers, who were intrigued by the cause of Bruce's death, he died from excessive water intake. Want to know more about this subject? Check out the news we prepared for you!

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Learn more about the cause of death of the legendary Bruce Lee

According to medical researchers, what may have really killed Bruce Lee was the inability of the kidneys to excrete the excess water ingested by the actor. That is, the supposed cause of his death is somewhat ironic, considering that the actor's motto was “Be water, my friend”.

At the time of Lee's death, doctors believed that what caused the brain swelling was the use of a painkiller. However, according to the Mayo Clinic, research indicates that Bruce ended up dying due to hyponatremia, which is when there is a low concentration of sodium in the blood, which may be caused by excess fluid or water in the body.

Still according to the scientists, despite his young age, Lee had several factors that could trigger hyponatremia, in addition to habits that could also lead him to the same way, such as: marijuana use, excessive use of prescription drugs (impairing renal excretion), alcohol intake, history of kidney damage, and low intake of solute.

Another important point to take into account is that it was observed that Bruce Lee had clearly ingested more water than usual on the day he died.

With this, scientists concluded that the cause of death of the actor was completely related to kidney dysfunction. That is, the kidney was unable to excrete enough water to maintain water homeostasis, which is the main tubular function.

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