5 ways to reuse old cell phones instead of throwing them away

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Smartphones are already part of our routine, as they contain much of the information we need in our daily lives. In addition, they turned into the main means of communication with other people.

So, check out some options for what to do with old cell phones to make the most of this feature, even after replacing it.

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Ways to use old cell phones

Most people discard old smartphones when they buy a newer model. However, it is worth noting that even older models can be useful. In addition, by resorting to the old device, it will be possible to reduce the memory usage of the newer one and, thus, keep it longer.

So, check out some reuse examples:

1. To keep track of your workouts

Currently, smartphones are of great use to anyone looking to have a healthier lifestyle. After all, there are several applications that help measure performance, in addition to counting steps or showing the number of kilometers covered while running. For this, old cell phones can be of great use.

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2. Remote Control

Another great way to use those old smartphones is to turn them into a universal remote. In this case, you will need to download remote control apps from the Play or Apple Store and use them with compatible devices, such as televisions and air conditioners.

3. Alarm clock

Remember when there were clocks that served as alarm clocks? In a way, these objects have been replaced by cell phones, but the truth is that a cell phone has a series of functions. So you can reserve your old cell phone to be exclusively an alarm clock.

4. Video game

One of the biggest complaints for those who like to play games on their cell phones is the fact that game apps take up a lot of space. However, we can solve this problem by using the old device exclusively to house the games and thus guarantee more space on the other smartphone.

5. book reader

Finally, we present another way to use the memory of the old cell phone to guarantee more space in the new one. In this case, this option consists of using the old device exclusively to read books and articles, as a kind of book reader.


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