3 Dog Breeds Considered Very Docile

It is undeniable that dogs are man's best friends and faithful companions. However, each dog breed has its particularities, such as hunting, mischief, intelligence and, of course, the characteristic of being affectionate.

See more: Meet the wild dog breeds, famous for having a difficult temperament

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There are some dog breeds considered perfect for people…

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So keep reading this article and see which are some of the most docile dog breeds in the world!

Most docile dog breeds

The calmer and quieter dog breeds are ideal for homes that have children or other pets. But remember that although we're talking about a group, dogs that don't have a defined breed are also very affectionate and adorable!

  • labrador retriever

One of the best known dogs in the world, the Labrador Retriever originated in Canada and is one of the most docile dogs in existence. The Labrador is not aggressive, being a great company, especially for children.

However, it is a large animal, whose weight is between 25 and 34 kg and its height reaches up to 60 centimeters. Despite being strong, it is very affectionate and has a lot of energy built up, so you need to provide the animal with distractions so that it doesn't get bored!

  • pug

The Pug is one of the other examples of the most docile dogs in the world. Its appearance is similar to that of a French Bulldog, it is a small dog, as it can reach up to 8 kg, measure 30 centimeters tall and usually always accompanies his guardian and the other members of the household at all times. whole.

In addition, his behavior is always calm and peaceful, even with visits! Thus, all these features make the Pug the perfect pet for homes that have children of any age or other pets!

  • Lhasa Apso

Similar to the Pug, the Lhasa Apso breed is also small in size, as its weight reaches up to 7 kg and height up to 25 cm. The most striking feature of this animal is the very long and shiny strands of its fur.

Although a bit suspicious and stubborn, the Lhasa Apso is very intelligent, loyal to its owner, docile and loves to play, making it the ideal dog for children!

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