How to work out your brain?

Unfortunately, in the coming decades, cases of dementia such as Alzheimer's are expected to increase sharply. Because of this, it is important to look for means and tools to avoid this cognitive decline. According to some neuroscientists, some habits can help in this process. See below how to work out your brain.

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What is the importance of working out the brain?

According to scientists, the process of brain development ends around the age of 21. After that, our cognitive functions start to reduce. Including that's why it's much easier to learn a new language until you're 16 years old. After that period, you need to establish and develop several important habits to exercise your mind.

In this way, it is possible to reduce the risk of various cognitive diseases, since they are a consequence of a lower brain capacity. Therefore, it is essential to "work out" the brain through some very healthy practices, such as maintaining a healthy diet and exercising regularly.

stimulate curiosity

Brain health can be directly linked to certain personality traits, such as being curious. That's because, according to some researchers at the University of Georgia, USA, the brains of curious people go into cognitive decline much more slowly. Therefore, it is always important to stimulate yourself with new experiences, such as studying other languages, getting to know other cultures, etc.

balanced diet

In addition to exercising, having a healthy diet will greatly help the body to enhance its performance at all stages of life, including during old age. Because of this, it is essential to consume organic foods such as fruits, vegetables and vegetables. In this way, it is possible to provide the body with various antioxidants that will be accumulated over the years.

Have friends

Having a healthy network of close people is very important for the brain in old age. That's because people with a high level of socialization have a much lower risk of developing dementia. In addition, having conversations and engaging in social projects can help keep the brain working, further enhancing mental health.

However, it is important to understand that the effectiveness of this network of friends or family is not defined by the quantity, but by the quality of the relationships.

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