First time: Brazil will be able to count on child assessment in schools; check out!

In 2023, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) will carry out the first global assessment of early childhood education, which will be applied to children of 5 years. Brazil is a country quoted for the unprecedented participation, as several foundations invested a lot so that the country could adhere to the exam.

Participation will include the International Early Learning and Child Wellbeing Study (IELS) test. The position of the Ministry of Education (MEC) is being awaited so far.

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Investments came from Fundação Lemann, B3 Social, Itaú Social and other institutions. Together, they raised R$700,000 for Brazil to participate in the survey.

The test includes Language and Mathematics subjects, collecting precise information about those involved in the school institution, both parents and teachers. The childhood phase needs to be evaluated for better performance in school education, as this is an important transitional moment in children's lives.

Thus, it is expected that the evidences be translated and adapted to Brazilian contexts, with the possibility of application later this year.

One of the creators of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), Andreas Schleicher, Director of Education and Skills at the OECD, told the They state that the results of the research will be useful to reflect on the teaching processes and the development that education has caused in the society.

“The IELS will help Brazil's efforts to improve its education. Parents and teachers need to understand the importance of early childhood development and the evidence of how crucial this time in children's lives is for the future,” he said.

OECD test

The test will be applied through a tablet and will last two hours. Students will have access to playful and interactive materials, but there are insecurities on the part of education professionals about the method. According to teacher Beatriz Abuchain, writing and reading skills are not required in the process, but the test itself points to this need. Therefore, the help of an adult to mediate is important.

The 2018 IELS test, applied in the United States, England and Estonia, pointed out that 5-year-old children achieved learning when parents encouraged reading and read to them, and also held conversations daily. In this assessment, in addition to the Mathematics and Language tests, the children's personal skills were evaluated.

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