Study shows that the brain can recover lost vision

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problems in vision are relatively common, after all, you certainly know people who wear glasses and maybe you are one of them, right? Therefore, science does not stop producing studies to understand and improve the quality of life of those who suffer from these problems. In this sense, new work has shown that the brain regains lost sight. Understand!

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Study shows that the brain can recover lost vision

O study was published in Current Biology, in September of that year, and was carried out with mice. Basically, the researchers worked with adult animals that suffered from a genetic visual disorder called Leber Congenital Amaurosis, known as ACL.

The scientists worked with chemical compounds called synthetic retinoids, which were applied to the retina of mice. The substances helped to restore vision-related brain networks, leading to the growth of the double of neurons related to this and, consequently, restoring the vision of the animals studied.

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Retinoids are substances chemically related to vitamin A, which is scientifically called retinol. There are several creams and medicines based on retinoids that, because they have this relationship with vision, have been researched as a form of intervention to favor the recovery of vision.

Hope for people with visual impairments

This study is very important because it points out that in the future there may be alternatives to help people with visual impairments to see again. Of course, more studies and new analyzes are needed to arrive at a therapy that can be used in humans, but this is already an encouraging result.

This discovery opens up very interesting possibilities for future research. “Whenever you have a discovery that breaks your expectations about the ability of the brain to adapt and rewire, it teaches you a broader concept,” said one of the authors of the work.

Currently, there are already studies that have shown the regeneration of the optic nerve and, with that, there has been restoration of vision in animal models. The fact is that, thanks to technological development, there is a lot of research of this type going on, which is great, because in the near future many people will be able to be helped.
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