A note signed by Google, Meta, Spotify, Twitter and Telegram. In the text, the companies say they will leave Brazil from July 4, 2023. The motivation would be in protest to PL 2630/2020, known as the Fake News PL.
In the image that circulates on the web, the title of the note is: “Okay, scoundrels, PT supporters, allies and cronies, have fun while you can because there is no harm that lasts forever”.
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The text continues, justifying that this would be a way to draw the attention of the general public. According to the note, the Fake News PL would be a “rapid process of destruction of Brazilian democracy”. And he ends by saying that companies form a group “committed to freedom” and that “together they will fight for a just, egalitarian and free society around the world”.
However, this note is false.
Google, Meta, Spotify and other companies will not leave Brazil
The UOL website carried out a check to conclude that the note is false and that Google, Meta, Spotify, Twitter, Telegram and other technology companies will not leave Brazil.
Although Google and Meta have positioned themselves against PL of Fake News, never signed a joint note. Each released their text separately.
In response to UOL, Google denied the note circulating on social networks: “We do not recognize the content of the document and reject any statement in the text. Meta did the same: “The letter is false and Meta neither signed nor acknowledged its contents”.
Spotify also denied having signed the joint note. “The “official note” attributed to Spotify about suspending services in Brazil from July 4th is false”, it reads. The music company also reinforced that its advertising terms and conditions do not accept any political ads on the platform in Brazil.
The other companies cited in the original content did not respond. Telegram did not respond and Twitter sent a response containing only a poop emoji - the company's default and automatic response after being at the Elon Musk commands.
Graduated in Social Communication at the Federal University of Goiás. Passionate about digital media, pop culture, technology, politics and psychoanalysis.