On Doing Good: Here's How to Find Out If You Have a Pure Heart

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Known as the "gentle one" in the family? Do you always help those in need? Now it has become easy to find out if you really have a pure heart.

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The purification of thoughts and heart means that the person will be less and less attracted by immediate pleasures. To reach this level of purity, human beings must analyze the motivation of their actions. So, check out the seven main signs that will indicate if you have a pure heart or are on your way to it.

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These 7 signs indicate that you have a pure heart

1. The happiness of others is yours

If you love to see others happy, if it makes you feel good and you realize that you like to celebrate the victories of those around you, that is of course at a much higher level of purity than the others.

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2. be optimistic 

Are you an optimistic person who always thinks positively? Do you look for the bright side of things, even when you're dealing with bad situations? This means that you have reached a very high degree of positivity.

3. you are reliable

Being trustworthy is a big sign that you have a good heart. People are comfortable sharing their deepest, darkest secrets with you.

4. emotional intelligence

People who have mastered emotional intelligence tend to have very good intentions. This happens because they know how to separate reason from emotion.

5. if you are honest

Being honest is one of the most significant signs that you have a pure heart. Honesty is the key to everything in life.

6. If you forgive easily

People who understand and know how to deal with the forgiveness they are people who don't hold grudges and know how to deal with their feelings properly. This clearly leads them to develop a huge and generous heart.

7. if you are generous

If you are generous without wanting to receive anything in return, you can be sure that you are well on your way in this process.

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