Find out which are the dirtiest objects YOU have at home

It is very common to think that the dirtiest room in a house is the bathroom. Because of that thought, this room is cleaned more often, so it ends up having less germs than others. Some utensils in our house, which we don't even think about, can be so dirty that it's dangerous! See here which are the five objects present in most people's homes that are dirtier than a toilet bowl.

Objects that get covered in germs in your home

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Here's what you have lying around that's covered in bacteria but you probably have no idea:

1. Cell phone

Incredibly, a cell phone can carry up to ten times more bacteria than a toilet bowl. That's because you take this device everywhere, including the bathroom! Also, every surface you touch has germs that end up on your phone and build up on the screen.

2. Chopping board (wooden)

The wooden chopping board is one of the dirtiest objects we can find in a house. This happens because some foods – raw, poorly made, inappropriately seasoned – are contaminated by germs. Since the board has many cuts, it helps germs stay on the board.

He ends up becoming a real dirt breeder.

3. kitchen sponge

The sponge's function is to clean surfaces in your home or wash dishes. That is, objects that hold a lot of bacteria. By practicing this action, you end up spreading thin layers of these bacteria.

4. pet objects

the mouth of your pets it has a veritable cluster of germs! Therefore, pet food bowls and toys are items that accumulate a lot of bacteria. Be careful with that.

5. Mat

Shoes carry a huge amount of dirt that accumulates on your carpet.

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