Change some simple habits and have more energy in your day

Lack of adequate sleep can create spikes in stress and lack of concentration during the day. The most effective way to kill sleep during the day is to get enough sleep at night. However, some days we are more tired or unable to sleep well.

To do this, see some tips below that can help you stay awake and willing on those days when you didn't sleep very well.

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Advice to have more energy during the day

  • Consumption of stimulating foods

To sleep, stimulating foods or drinks are recommended, such as black coffee, açaí, dark chocolate and ginger tea. These foods are mood boosters because they speed up your heart rate and improve circulation, helping to eliminate excess sleep.

  • Eat natural vegetables and fruits

The fresher the food, the more nutrients it contains. Therefore, eating seasonal fruits and fresh vegetables is essential to get more energy, as these foods are nutritious and are part of any healthy diet.

  • 15 to 20 minute quick nap

Another good option for those who don't get enough sleep at night and thus end up getting a lot of sleep when they need it. being more focused is taking advantage of naps at lunchtime or taking advantage of the commute to sleep.

So, despite the poor quality of sleep, those few minutes of sleep can help restore some energy and make you more focused on your day-to-day obligations and tasks.

  • Some spicy foods

If you don't have irritable bowel, gastritis, or any other digestive issues, spicy foods may help keep you awake, but there are some caveats. People who eat very spicy food before bed end up with reflux symptoms and heartburn that prevent them from falling asleep. Also, it is important to know that this effect is temporary, but enough to prevent you from “falling asleep”.

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